Thursday, September 26, 2013

Using PostgreSQL with WSO2 BAM

WSO2 Business Activity Monitor (BAM) can be used to address monitoring requirements in business activities and processes. It supports aggregating, analyzing and presenting information about business activities.

WSO2 BAM architecture is designed to handle these steps through its different modules.  Data Receivers in WSO2 BAM receive data and store them in a Cassandra data store. The Analyzer Engine will run analytics according to defined Hive queries and stores the result in a RDBMS data store. Finally the analyzed data will be fetched from the data store and shown in dashboards or reports.

This post will show how to integrate PostgreSQL into WSO2 BAM, which could be used to store analyzed data.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Using Admin Services in WSO2 Carbon

Products based on WSO2 Carbon platform provide the Management Console user interface to handle administrative tasks. These Admin Services are implemented as SOAP web services. So you can invoke these web services directly to perform certain tasks. This is useful when you do not want to go through the UI or when you need to automate such tasks.

First, you need to find out the list of available Admin Services. This can be done through the OSGi console of Carbon products. For that start the server with -DosgiConsole option.

./ -DosgiConsole

After startup, enter listAdminServices command in the osgi prompt. Then it will list a set of Admin Services available to that server as follows.